The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, Volume 8 By Historical Society of Pennsylvania Replies WILLIAM POWELL Vol VII p 495 Vol VIII p 120
1737 ROAD HARRIS FERRY TO LANCASTER in route to John Powell's House likely was at Powell's Ferry in Conoy Early Pennsylvania Trails - Legends of America Numerous trails had already been blazed by Native Americans long before Europeans ... the fur trade transformed Indian communities along the Pennsylvania frontier. ... up in the area including Assunepachla, Paxtang, Kittanning, and others. The route, which was first blazed by Native Americans, connected Harris' Ferry in ... 1737 ROAD HARRIS FERRY TO LANCASTER We have seen that at November Session 1737 1 D 58 there was an application for a road from Donegal to Lancaster The Proceeding seems to have failed At the August Sessions of 1737 a record was made that some time past viewers were appointed to lay out a road from Harris Ferry to Lancaster and that the viewers have proceeded as far as Powell's Ferry near Conowingo but because the weather became so cold that viewers quit another set of viewers were asked for and were appointed 1 D 206 to continue laying out the same to Lancaster town No return is recorded in the November session records 1 D 209 But a petition was presented at said session 1 D 215 by HempFIeld inhabitants stating that a road was laid out from Paxton to Lancaster and that there can be found a much more ready and convenient way and they ask for a review The Court appointed new reviewers and ordered them to make alterations if they see fit according to the request in the petition Nothing more appears until at February Court 1736 the inhabitants of Donegal pray for a review of so much of the Paxton and Lancaster Road as lies between Conewago Creek and the hill at John Kauffman's and power be given the reviewers to be appointed to correct that matter and to proceed with said road towards Lancaster 1 D 240 The Court appointed viewers At May Court 1739 the reviewers presented their report of the road from John Harris Ferry or Susquehanna to Lancaster 1 D 250 and they state that the various objections were finally settled They return in the part of the draft recorded a road about 36 miles long but only 18 miles of the courses and distances appear of record beginning at said River running south westwardly going a distance of 669 perches about 2 miles and at that point mentioning John Foster then farther 1160 perches about 3 miles to William Renwick's Run then farther mile to Adam Bratten's fence then 794 perches or 2 Vfe miles farther to William Craig's field then farther 586 perches about 1 miles to Swatara Creek then farther 1070 perches or three and one third miles to John Powell's House this likely was at Powell's Ferry in Conoy then farther 528 perches or one and two third miles to The Hill then farther 432 perches or one and one third miles to Thomas Harris House and then specifying two courses more making about a mile the record abruptly ends It indicates that the remainder was lost before being recorded In August 1739 the Paxton people wanted their end of this road laid on better ground ID 263
1737 Regards to RD: Says John Powells Ferry near Conowingo now in Maryland
John of Phila., Pa, b. in England, d. 1748 (m. Margaret); son of William of Phila., Pa., b. in Engl

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Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania ... - Google Book (I) William Powell, of Southwark, England
Encyclopedia of Pennsylvania ... - Google Books
Powell Arms—Sable a chevron between three fleur-de-lis argent. Crest—A boar's head cabossed.
(I) William Powell, cooper, was of Southwark, County of Surrey, England, and about 1681 came to America, settling on the west bank of the Schuykill river; on October 17, 1681, he secured a patent for twelve hundred and fifty acres of land, proved 1684. (Ex. Book 8, page 526). (In Vol. I., "Votes of the Assembly," Pennsylvania, William Powell signed with others. William Penn—"Adventurers and Purchasers," II July, 1681). He
married Christian , who died in
Philadelphia, after 1685, and it was in that city that he himself passed away, 2nd mo., 30, 1721.
(II) William (2) Powell, son of William (i) and Christian Powell, cooper, of Philadelphia, was born after 1672, in England, died nth mo., 19, 1732. He married (second) loth mo., 9, 1707, at Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Sarah Armitt, who came to America in 1703, and died 7th mo., 13, 1726 (see Armitt).
The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, Volume 8 By Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Replies WILLIAM POWELL Vol VII p 495 Vol VIII p 120 In a very interesting account of Samuel Powell by Mr PSP Conner published in the March number of your Magazine I notice a slight error in the date of the death of his father William Powell The original purchase of land made by William Powell which Mr Conner names was principally located on the west bank of the Schuylkill River opposite what was afterwards known as the Spring Garden District of Philadelphia In the year 1692 he started a ferry from his house on the west bank of the Schuylkill for the accommodation of persons living in the country back of him The ferry however being deemed an infringement of the privileges of Philip England who had previously established one a short distance below a complaint was made during the following year and William Powell summoned to appear before the Governor and Council who restrained him from continuing his ferry In the year 1695 however the Assembly granted him permission to establish a ferry from his house on the west side of the Schuylkill which was afterwards known as the Upper Ferry William Powell had four children of whom we have note John who in 1706 is spoken of as keeping the Upper Ferry Elizabeth Samuel and William William Powell died 2d mo 30th 1721 His son William died in 1732 the date given by Mr Conner WHJ 442 Notes and Queries
The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, Volume 13 By Historical Society of Pennsylvania
"1 Mr Keith says in his letter to me In examining for the Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Company the records concerning William Powell a first purchaser and his family I find no evidence that the Samuel Powell of Philadelphia carpenter who married Abigail Willcox was his son Said William of Southwark Co Surry cooper was a cooper in Philadelphia County in 1686 having a wife named Christian and died later than July 12 1718 He had two sons John his heir apparent who died after April 8 1710 and who married Ann daughter of David Harvard and William of Philadelphia cooper who married 10th mo 31 1700 Elizabeth Kelly and 10th mo 9 1707 Sarah Armitt and died about 1732 leaving a son Samuel also of Philadelphia cooper who married 9th mo 1726 Mary Raper and about 1730 Sarah daughter of Thomas Roberts Tbis last Samuel died about 1750 and his widow married llth mo 9 1758 Jonathan Mifflin..."[(Let me stop here to refute this) Mr Kieth according to records had mistakes in his research whom up to that time Samuel was thought to be the son of William. As stated in conflicting evidence on this page it appears Samuel's father was Samuel son of Godfey whom died young as well as his aunt Parsons and her husband, leaving William Sr His uncle to take care of him, thus the confution about his father. (KL)]
WALTON, MARTHA. Philadelphia. Widow- Daughter Margaret (wife of John Powell))
. This would probably be Margaret Walton and this John Powell died 1748, this evidence supports he is the Son of William first purchaser and this John in my opinion did not die young but after his marriage to Ann Harvard he may of left the area and started a new family (He may of been highly in dept) given his age compared to that of the would be second wife Margaret, his son Philip was not born till 1743, he died in 1748, it appears Margaret was much younger than he to have a child so late in his life. KL)"The literary era: a monthly repository of literary and ..., Volume 6
Havaed, Of Haverfoed, Penn'a.—In the list of taxables for Haverford township, in the assessment for the year 1715, there appears the name of John Havard. He was the son and heir of David Havard. The latter died intestate, leaving a widow, Mary. Radnor Friends' Monthly Meeting Book has the following references to this family: At Meriou Meeting, on 11th month 12th, 1696, John Powell, son of William Powell, married Ann Havard, daughter of David Havard, glover. David Powell, of the City of Philada., surveyor, married 7th month 16th, 1707, Mary Havard, of Merion, widow, at Haverford Meeting. John Havard, by his wife, Margaret, had daughters, Mary and Margaret, the former born 10th month 26th, 1709, and the latter born 12th month 1st, 1711-12. By his wife Sarah, John Havard had: John, born 10th month 25th, 1714, and Ann, Hannah, Elizabeth, Sarah, David, Samuel, and Benjamin.
The Pennsylvania magazine of history ... - Google Books:
Conflictiong Histories on William Powell, Somersetshire family engaged in the cooperage business in suburb of Southwark and was the, was Not the Grandfather of Samuel Mayor of Pennsylvania durring the revolution
The Pennsylvania magazine of history ... - Google Books: "Samuel Powell, (Vol. vii, p. 495).—A. S. M. dates that he knows nothing of Samuel Powell's parentage nor whence he came. From some investigations made by me 1 find that he came of a Somersetshire family, many of the name, and apparently his kinsmen, being resident in the parish of North Curry and its neighborhood. Samuel Powell's aunt. Ann Powell, of North Curry, married John Parsons, of Middlezoy, at Greinton, 6 mo. 23, 1685. The places named are in Somerset ( Vide Book A, p. 4, Records, Mo. Meeting of Friends, Arch Street, Philadelphia). Samuel's father was William Powell (died in 1735, will recorded at Philadelphia). This William had gone up to London before the year 1681. and was then engaged in the cooperage businesss in the suburb of Southwark. He was evidently a man of means, and probably left England chiefly on account of the persecution which it appears befell his family (Vide Besse's Sufferings of Friends, 'Powells of Somerset'). lie was an original purchaser of land under Penn to the extent of twelve hundred acres and over (Vide Patents, 1081 et seq., Philadelphia).
His son, the above-mentioned Samuel, besides inheriting paternal estate, was one of the heirs of his aunt Ann Parsons (will recorded. Philadelphia, Book C, p. 331). He was a great builder—the well-known ' rich carpenter' of his day. At his death, in 1756, he left a large landed estate, and the reputation of having been one of the greatest contributors to the growth of Philadelphia, and to its material and moral improvement (Pa. Gazette, July 1, 1756). His wife was Abigail, daughter of Barnabas Wilcox. By her he had a son, Samuel Powel (.tic, one ' 1,' either for distinction from others of the name or a reversion to the spelling of former generations; vide Besse). This Samuel married Mary, daughter of Anthony Morris. 9 mo. 9, 1732. He was a merchant of Philadelphia, and the grantor of Friends' Meeting, Pine Street. His son was Samuel Powel. of Fowelton, Speaker of the Assembly, and the patriot Mayor of Philadelphia during the Revolutionary times. Mr. Powel was a man of wealth, culture and influence. He abjured Quakerism, married, but died childless, the last male of his line. His death occurred in 1793.
Regarding the Emlen connection, the following statement is correct. Joshua Emlen, fourth son of George Kmlen, who came from Shepton Mallet,
Somersetshire, in the time of Penn, married, first, Mary, daughter of
Hoi ton and widow of Hudson, by whom he had no surviving issue,
and, secondly, Deborah, daughter of (the first) Samuel Powell. By this marriage he had Samuel Powell Emlen, afterwards called simply Samuel Emlen, the well-known Quaker preacher. He married twice. By his first wife, Elizabeth, daughter of William Mood, he had a son, namely, Samuel Emlen, of West Hill and of Burlington, N. J. This Mr. Emlen was the founder of the Emlen Institute now established at Warminster, Bucks County. Pa. He married in 1795 Susanna Dillwyn (not 'Delroy'), daughter of William Dillwyn. He died childless. Returning to his father, Samuel Emlen. he. after the death of his first wife (Elizabeth Mood), married Sarah, daughter of Asher Mott. by whom he had Deborah, who died unmarried, and Elizabeth. The latter married Sept. 18,1800, Philip Syng Physick, M.D. Dr. Physick left four children, as staled by A. S. M., one of whom, Susan Dillwyn, wife of Commodore Conner. U. S. N.. was my mother. I mention this because knowledge of it may help to confirm this statement.
P. S. P. Conner.
April 11, 1884. 126 S. Eighteenth St., Phila."
Samuel Powell, Of Philadelphia, Not The Son Of William Powell From Southwark, England.—Until lately, Samuel Powell, the noted carpenter and builder of provincial Philadelphia, was considered to be either the son of the William Powell above mentioned, or else a man the name of whose father was forgotten in the lapse of the last two hundred years. Of the two theories, I followed the former in my answer to " A. S. M." in the Pennsylvania Magazine, Vol. VIII. p. 120, 1884, because it then seemed the most probable. Since then, however, through investigations made by Mr. Charles Pen rose Keith for the Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Company, it is shown that there is really no proof of the said William being the father of the said Samuel,1 while from researches made for me among the Quaker records of Somersetshire it appears that, considering said Samuel's age (about 83) at his death, in 1756, he may have been the son of either Gregory Powell or Samuel Powell, both of whom were neighbors in North Curry Hundred, said shire, and had sons named Samuel, between whom it is yet impossible to decide which came to Philadelphia, although the probabilities are in favor of the son of Samuel.
Since the full particulars of the matter would make this communication too long for insertion in this magazine, I have lodged them in manuscript at the Historical Society, where they can be consulted by those interested (vide Miscellaneous MSS., Vol. II.).
There Were Two Sets Of William Powell father and son.
THERE WERE TWO SETS OF WILLIAM POWELL’S (FATHER AND SON) CLOSELY RELATED Through THE MIFFLIN’S, BOTH BEING FIRST FAMILIES, THE WILLIAM POWELL OF SOUTHWARK, SURRY CO, ENGLAND HAD THE UPPER FERRY ON THE SCHUYLKILL, THE WILLIAM POWELL THE FIRST AMERICAN ANCESTOR, A SON OF EDWARD POWELL, OF CASTLE MADOC was in the Northern Liberties. The Ancestor Of the Famous Samuel Powell the Carpenter that Married Abigail Wilcox and the ancestor to the Samuel the Mayor was the brother of William of upper ferry, Samuel, who died before his son Samuel came to Philadelphia and probably was raised by william because he inherited a large property and married the daughter of George Wilcox, William's neighbor
The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, Volume 8 By Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Full text of "William Penn in America : or an account of his life from the time he received the grant of Pennsylvania in 1681, until his final return to England":
\_Jiify, August, i/oo.']
As had been determined, on adjournment, the Coun-
cil met at the Governor's house on the ist of July,
1700, when it was unanimously agreed upon that a per-
son be appointed and authorized to go through the
town with a small bell during the night to give notice
of the hour and weather, and also if any disorders or
danger happen from fire or otherwise, to inform the
constables thereof It was further agreed that the Sec-
retary " give notice to Benjamin Chambers and
Powell, keepers of the ferries over Schuylkill, that after
the close of day to transport no persons unless well
known to them or that cannot give a good account of
themselves." This undoubtedly was the origin of the
night watchmen in Philadelphia. The Governor pro-
posed to the Council to consider upon the law about
making prisons more effectually workhouses. It was
upon this idea that the present penitentiaries and houses"
Is Howard the same as Havard the same as Harvard and is this the same David Pugh
(After John Powell's Death Ann Married David Pugh)"Ann Pugh had been ailing since early 1719, and wrote her will in November of-that year. Her will
gives a detailed look at daily life in early
provide for two families, nine children, on contested land. Her first husband had settled the land only 20
years before and had incurred great debts to both wealthy local landowners and
She married her second husband less than a year after she was widowed and bore him two more children
before she died four years later. Her first concern was for her two youngest children, John and Ann
Pugh. In her will, Ann Pugh could provide them with only 13 shillings each when they reached maturity.
Until then, she wanted them to be raised by John Foursi and his wife, a local family.
Ann Pugh's second concern was for her seven older children by her first husband. To these
children, she gave small amounts of livestock, bedding, household furniture, and other personal goods.
Younger children received more goods, but all were carefully entrusted to the care of relatives and
friends. To her brother-in-law William Powell, she entrusted her daughter Hannah Powell. Her youngest
sons by her first husband, Samuel, David, and Jonathan Powell, were bound to be "bound out in
another substantial
Legible hand" and "arithmatic [sic] as far as the Rule of Three."
Is This John Powell Son of William First Purchaser and brother to William
"John Powell probably first occupied
Sharp's 300-acre portion of Little Tower Hill
shortly in 1691 after Sharp took possession of it
from Whitehart and Johnson. Powell probably built
his plantation with the help of his wife Ann
Howard, his brother William Powell, and his
brother-in-law, John Howard. Both William Powell
and John Howard lived in the area. All three
families were relatively close; family members
routinely witnessed each others wills, served as
executors, and willed small items to each other.
John Powell and his wife Ann had seven
children on their plantation. A summary of the
Powell family genealogy is shown in Figure 9. The
oldest of their children, John (TI) Powell, died in 1723. The six younger children were Joseph, Hannah,
Samuel, David, Jonathan, and Christian Powell (GrandMother's name Christain). All of these children were bom before their father's
death in late 1715 or early 1716."
A Word on John Powell Son,Brother, to William First Purchaser?
Let Me Stop Here a say a word about John Powell that is indexed in the Minutes of the provincial council of Pennsylvania from volume 1 by Samuel Hazard, this is the only real indication to me that they are one in the same, If that is the case then this john had interest in the ferry along with John Mifflin in 1706 and was probably at Piqua in1720 and defiantly at Lancaster in 1735 as undersheriff but who is his father if it were William the first purchaser other evidence shows that that john married Ann Havard and died before 1735 in Delaware and this John cold not be the son of William that died in 1732 because he didn’t marry his first wife until 1700 witch would make John to young. There is a another possibility that he may be a brother to William the first Purchacer but the botum line is I have not found definitive evidence to say who his father is only that he is part of this family of Quakers.
I am also going to change my mind on the Ancestry of Samuel Powel The Mayor, i have found a more complete history on the family that i feel is accurate, i will be posting it shortly, It shows that William is mot the ancestor, but another amuel Brother to Ann (Powell) Parsons above
ReplyDeleteI believe that the son of John Powell and Ann Havard, John Jr. DID NOT die in 1723. Most testimonies of this circumstance were recorded many, many years after 1723 and the statement was simply duplicated again and again. There is much compelling evidence to support this and here are 10 facts why:
ReplyDelete1) Ann Havard (in 1723 her name was Ann Pugh per her second marriage to David Pugh) stated, likely aware her illness would result in her fatality, that her concern was for the disposition of her SEVEN children in her will. “Seven” children indicated that John Jr. was still alive at the time of her death.
2) If John Jr. was born in 1706 as most people researching him agree, he would have been 16 or 17 at the time, thus making him old enough to decide his own disposition at the time therefore not necessary for his mother to make that decision for him.
3) There was another John Powell in Chester County Pennsylvania, the son of another John Powell and his wife Elizabeth Taylor who died in 1723. Again, I want to reiterate many of these recordings were written many years after the fact further confusing names and events.
4) John Jr.’s brother, David Powell died in 1723 lending to even more room for confusion.
5) William Powell Sr., the first purchaser died in 1721. John Powell {Jr.} is said to have taken charge of the ferry in later years, but it is explained here that the ferry operation was transferred to a new owner after the death of William Jr in 1732. (In a 1903 issue of West Philadelphia Illustrated) Entirely possible and likely that John Jr. decided to go with his Uncle William and Grandfather, William Powell Sr. and join in the family business when he left Tower Hill and his stepfather David Pugh in 1723 at the death of his mother.
6) This John Powell Jr. is likely the same John Powell who was an under sheriff of Lancaster County, PA circa 1735-1736, when Robert Buchanan, the Sheriff, was attacked and beaten (part of the border dispute with settlers who claimed land under Maryland rather than Pennsylvania, before the Mason-Dixon line was surveyed). John Powell gave a deposition concerning the event. Thus, this John Powell was in Lancaster at a fairly early date.
Delete{ General Index To The Colonial Records
By Pennsylvania. Provincial Council, Samuel Hazard, Pennsylvania. Committee of Safety, 1775-1776 Page 304} ………
”Powell, John, &c, petition against
another ferry on Schuylkill, ii.,
277. Ferry not granted, 289.
Under Sheriff of Lancaster coun-
ty, deposition, attack on High
Sheriff Buchanan by persons from
Maryland, iii., 612. “
7) There has been some speculation that ‘John Jr.’ was actually the son of William Powell Jr. who died in 1732. This simply cannot be because William Powell Jr. didn’t marry his first wife Elizabeth Kelley until 1700 which would make John Jr. too young and there is absolutely no record of William Powell Jr. and his second wife Sarah Armitt ever having a son named John; or even William Jr. and Elizabeth Kelley having ANY children.
8) To answer concerns how John Jr.’s line continues, I believe he was the father of Malachi Powell born in Pennsylvania in 1741. (HISTORICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL. YOL. II. 1887. TSTn. 5~NOTES AND QUERIES Historical, Biographical and Genealogical. CLXVI.)……….” Both Malachi and William Powell resided iu Upper Paxtang township, now Danphin county, in 1780. For this family are named Powell's Valley and Powell's creek. The original settler John Powell, tavern keeper of Paxtang died in 1748. leaving a wife Margaret, a daughter Nancy and several other children. Thomas McKee and John Allison were executors ot bis estate”……….
There was a tavern is known to have been located by the ‘Upper Ferry’ on the Schuylkill established by William Powell Sr. Certainly it is not unthinkable that John Jr. would have gained some experience there enabling him to run the tavern located in Paxtang.
9) {Pennsyvania Achrives Thrid Series, EDITED BY WILLIAM HENRY HOLE, M. D. HARRISBURG:
Clarence M. Busch, State Printer. 1894) ……..” Alex'r McMunn J.
On Caveat.
Malachi & Jno. Powell | {I’m sure that was supposed to be recorded and written as Malachi & John Powell}
& Hugh McDonald.
On hearing Shitler and McMunn, and inspecting the Papers of Powell, sent to the board, It appears that the improvement made by Peter Graham under which Shitler claimed was made by Graham as a Tenant to William Powell, the Father of John Powell {assumed, more probable his uncle} who has a Warrant and Survey, and hath continued the improvements. That McMunn hath also a Warrant and Survey and hath made considerable improvements. Therefore it is the Opinion of the Board, that Shitlers Warrant ought not to be executed on any lands within the Surveys of Powell, McMunn and McDonald”………………..This clearly illustrates John {John Jr.} and Malachi were father and son.
10) John Powell Jr. was married to Margaret Walton. There son Malachi named the first two of his nine children John and Margaret
I have an Edward Powell, married 1771 in Philadelphia to Mary Keyloe [Keller] of Lancaster. They lived in Philadelphia where their first two children were born. By 1779 they were living in Lancaster and the rest of their children were baptized in the Lutheran church in Lancaster. Sponsors at the baptisms were always Mary's Keller relatives. Who was Edward's father? That question has me stumped for years. Was he one of the "four brothers" of Philip Powell? A British soldier who came over and stayed? A convict who was deported from England? Or???? Any ideas?
ReplyDeletewas Edward powell brother to malachi powell?
DeleteIs there yet any proof that Philip is the son of john and Margaret? I am a direct male descendent of Philip. I have not run across Edward, but will look out for him.
ReplyDeletecurt, I as well am descendant from this line. think it would benefit us both if we were in contact with one another. I have done great research on this line
DeleteKevin, wonderful to see you. The easiest way to find me is probably through Facebook: Curt Powell in Ann Arbor, MI.